That’s a joke, people, about Atom RSS, the method by which some of you subscribe to this blog. Get it? Up and Atom?
(oy, vey)
“Woke up this mornin’ and I got myself a beer.” Okay, another joke alright? Actually, woke up this mornin’ and I got myself a mess of scratchy towels for my Motel 6 mates. After a peculiar night of us packed into our beds, Olivia the kitty, meowing incessantly (all of us too pooped to care, I reckon), I cracked my eyes at the crack of 8:30 CST. Springfield,, MO. Check.
The word is that TT is gonna meet us in Sanfa Fe, but who can say, baybay? Never say nay with TayTay…
First thing, I did, I grabbed the ole powerbook and headed to the nextdoor Waffle House. Getting my wallet out of the car (that was a doh! moment; haven’t I learned yet not to leave my wallet in the car, ever?? This has, after all, been a banner year for People Stealing Mick’s Stuff). Anyway, I got to have a swell momentary conversation with the trucker who’s Peterbilt was pointed at the side panel of Julie’s Crown Vic. The conversation starter was his gi-mongous mesh grill bug catcher, emblazoned with the words: “Miss B Havin”
What’s not to love?
Next, Waffle House, where I see my first truly memorable trip event: A departing caravan of Airstreams—100 or more—makes their way past the window, and all I can do is moan at more of these great campers than I’ve ever seen at one time. Turns out, right next door is one of the biggest Airstream events on the planet, right now! All I can do is watch and I feel kind of helpless because it’s so enchanting to me. Airstream after airstream, all different ages and sizes, and pulling vehicles. My favorite: a convertable early 70’s cadillac. It’s all I can do not to call the hotel room and wake my sleeping comrades to witness. Hell, I want to jump on board, or talk to these folks or something! Instead I get to talk to an old farm couple about the Airstream phenomen, noting for myself too, how Wally’s dream is in full tilt, people congregating and driving around in his iconoclastic, legendary camper. Amazing.
Glad yer havin so much fun! Check out my Blog! I think you’ll be proud. I’ve played around and added a link here, a photo there. Attempted to add the subscription service. Earlier today I had two on the site and now I have none. Please come back soon so you can show me what I’m doing wrong……..
Oooookaaaaaay…Maybe I would like to have a silver bullet parked in the driveway at Campsie.
yeah, so you guys have wagers on my making it out there??? if you did, i get a small percentage of the take….i’m just saying is all