Shoulder update

[[Facebook post, keeping it here, for the record]]

Shoulder update time: I want to express my abiding gratitude to those who have checked in on me, made food for our family, driven me around, delivered stuff, taken me to (and even *bought* me) lunch and so much more.

(photo by Libby Lee, at Bernheim Forest, visiting “The Giants.”)

Had my shoulder surgery three weeks ago this coming Friday. By all accounts it was a great success, and I continue to “do as I’m told,” and be an exemplary patient. This mostly means wearing this Ultra-Sling III® (yes, that’s what it’s called — like a fancy network router or high-end golf club) nearly 24/7. WHICH I DO.

Physically, the most aggravating (a word that I use often of late) thing has been sleeping alone downstairs in a recliner. Honestly, it’s depressing. I’ve managed to successfully sleep in our bed three times recently, and hope for more of that, but it remains a crap shoot (shout out to anybody reading this who has trouble sleeping — it suuucks, and I sympathize), because my beloved Lucy needs her rest, especially since she’s handling things that are traditionally mine to do (like taking LL to school every morning).

My biggest struggle by far has been mental health. This has not been a surprise, but *predicting it* doesn’t change the fact of it. Being at home so much, in this weird compromised state is quite simply DEPRESSING. And my heart goes out to anybody reading this who suffers similarly. I’ve gotten to the Y twice which is a great help — I never guessed I’d come to think of my Y friends as family— and I’ve accepted most every offer of “getting out” that has come my way. (Wanna invite me to lunch? My answer will be “SURE!”) I’ve also gone for walks when possible. In fact, sitting close to the window drinking a flight of Mescal at Corto Lima (wait — wasn’t I walking to the Lexington Public Library?!) last week turned into quite the social occasion, when more people than I would have guessed spotted me and stopped in to say “hi.” (Note to self: do that AGAIN.)

So that’s the update. As I’ve said before, I wasn’t raised to “air my dirty laundry,” but over the years, thanks to therapy, meditation, and medication, I’ve learned that I’m healthier if I sit in some vulnerability. If this post helps you in anyway with your own, then that’s enough for me; I’ve learned that if I hold out my hand, more often than not, people will take it.

It feels good, and I’m pretty glad about that. <3

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