These are ‘the Good Ole Days’

Yesterday was amazing.

On Trivial Thursdays on WRFL, I was delighted to share the music of Daisy Helmuth (and steal a few glances at her proud mama, Christin), who I’ve known since she was just a pup.

Sylvia and Libby Lee. Sylvia calls me “Mr. Nick.” Oh well.

Then I did my daily juggle of ManyThings, while my kindergartner (and I) had the delight of hosting play time with one of her classmates, sweet, funny Sylvia. I love Maxwell Spanish Immersion Elementary School so much. I want to foster and watch and relish the friendships that are tiny blooms at age six, that will flower over the next 12 years in one of Kentucky’s FINEST public school programs. (And which also produced my morning music guest, Daisy, it should be noted)

The magic of Tracey The Goat Lady, to whom I owe much

Then I got to share in the endless cheer and community that coalesces around ukuleles, with the added company of my Other Brother From A Different Mother, Jonathan Piercy, at KYuke‘s 3rd Thursday Open Mic at Joseph-Beth Booksellers (who treat us like royalty, for some reason that I don’t dare argue with), as well as be entertained by some jubilant onlookers who signed up and ad libbed a couple of songs — acapella!

Practically speechless (as impossible as that may seem to most who love me) in the presence of Sam Abell, giant of photojournalism. Nearly a god to me.

And finally, I rushed downtown to catch the most of a lecture by venerated National Geographic photographer, and Kentucky treasure, Sam Abell, who I’m so in awe of that I could barely summon the nerve to shake his hand and sputter out a few reasonably coherent sentences of respect and adulation. Below is a clip of his lecture, where he uses a puzzle metaphor to explain the thought process behind of his most iconic and famous photos. Being present to hear him speak verged on a religious experience for me. 

It was such a good day.

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