(for best display, view at www.minglefreely.com)
God’s gift to breakfast bars. Noodles, endless fruit, melon juice, spring rolls, chocolate coffee, chocolate cereal, lemon grass shrimp. “please eat more,” says Thuy who goes by “Hannah.”
Outside it’s Hanoi, a rush. of scooters in every damned direction at the same time. Intoxicating. A walk around the block gets you lost among tiny stools and kids tables of men in slick down jackets eating Pho pho pho. Forever pho. Dark Concrete alleys lead to hidden racks of zip-up jackets.
On the scooters, you see everything, but the guy tooling down the highway with a dozen freshly slaughtered pigs draped across his lap might win today’s prize.
Hours at the UN International School with “Mrs. Alexis.” A dream; playing ukulele and singing for kindergarten kids. Teaching The Coconut to adult teachers and singing and playing both Bill and Elvis’s versions of Blue Moon of Kentucky for them.
Then dinner with Alexis’s family and singing singing playing playing songs on beautiful joy-filled ukuleles (with percussion accompaniment). “Giving” Son of A Son of A Sailor to somebody who hadn’t heard it and loved it.
Best Day of My LIfe So Far.
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