Jamie Tittle
Originally uploaded by timfur
It still bothers me that the world is not longer witnessed by Jamie Tittle, who was one of its greatest observers, practitioners, and hackers.
I, too, think about Jamie regularly and still — five years after his departure from this dimensional plane — I’m stuck with the same sentiment: “I can’t believe he’s gone.” As wonderful as my world is, as rich as it is, it would be more so with Jamie in it. I think of all the things that JAMIE would appreciate like nobody else that I know — quirky musical things, odd design things, computers things that I’m not smart enough to understand… books that are over my head… and things — so many things — that it simply wouldn’t have occurred to me to observe without him directing my attention and noting with with a Zen glee:”How cool.” I think about his impish giggle, his endless curiosity, his natural desire to share all he knew with those who were interested … and not begrudge those who weren’t.
There are nearly a hundred photos up that were shared by Jamie’s friends during that time — the saddest time — when we lost Jamie.
It’s time to look through them for reminders of the happiness he channeled so uniquely. http://www.flickr.com/groups/jamietittle/
— With special regard for Kirby Gann and Merrill Simmons —