Welcome to my weird mobile officing experiment.
I’m currently on Amtrak’s Empire Builder, next to one of only two serviceable AC outlets (okay, there are two others located impossibly behind the arms of seats) on the car.
I’ve got my brother’s Sierra Wireless Broadband Modem card, some snacks and variety of wires, a flip video camera and a yen for long trips. Really long trips. Like 50 hours long. I’m in coach, which is fine. Amtrak ain’t the airlines. I’ve got major leg and elbow room (elbow room diminished greatly if somebody decides to sit next to me, please lord no), no “fasten your seatbelts” sign, relative quietude (except for several people with repeatedly ringing cell phones — “vibrate” people!), and a barcar and lounge car, too!
It’s dusk now… we’re truckin’ right along. I love the train.