The Dame gets bitch-slapped

An open letter to Cole Skinner, former Manager of The Dame:


I was so goddamned bummed to read the Herald-Leader news of the management and staff changes at The Dame, the downtown club that you and your staff have worked so hard to build into a premier venue for local and national music acts. Beyond that, The Dame quickly became a favored place to meet up with friends, to laugh, to socialize, and to generally lighten the daily load. What a terrible blow for downtown Lexington night life to lose your management of that venue as well as the capable and friendly hands within.

However, I am so very grateful for the magic that you brought to Lexington with that club. You really filled a gap, Cole—one that had been festering and hurting in downtown since the closing of the legendary Wrocklage, so many years ago. Some of the success was location, but much of it was your manner and charm—and booking—that made The Dame feel like home. All of which I suppose will no longer be present in “Dame 2.0” or whatever the fuck those bonehead Atlanta owners call it.

I want to loudly and plainly say “thank you, Cole.” I wish you the very best of luck in your next venture, and can only hope (somewhat vainly) that it is in Lexington.

Best wishes,


0 Replies to “The Dame gets bitch-slapped”

  1. I hate to hear things like this. ugh. profits. profits. profits. it’s all anybody cares about anymore.

    but wait… isn’t that the goal in business?

    nevertheless, it’s a big ugly fuck-bunny spread wide open for no one to enjoy. (no… i don’t know what that was supposed to mean).


  2. God bless you guys. We really did enjoy the work and can’t tell you how much the kind words mean right now…some of the finest folks I’ve ever met live here in Lexington, and makes it easier to be good when you’re surrounded by good people. We’ll see yers soon, and thanks again. Really. xxoo Cole

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